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Toronto, ON

Serving you all from up north in Canada :)

125 - 5 Star Reviews

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Absolutely fantastic seller! These arrived at the perfect time, just when I needed them most. With Verizon experiencing major issues here in Florida during Hurricane Helene, these devices were a lifesaver .

— Ron

Above and beyond! Wonderful craftsmanship, easy to use and packaging was the chef's kiss !

— Neut

Great quality , works great. Having so much of it set up on arrival saves a ton of headaches.

— Jason

It is definitely a great shell, I love the quality and simplicity. This is my 2nd one from this seller, and I'll definitely buy more in the future.

— Edgar

It’s perfect! Physically, it’s the most well-crafted “gotchi” device I’ve seen . The screws and included hex wrench are awesome. So far, it’s functioning flawlessly. Have put it through several power cycles with no issues. Many thanks!

— Tim